Back in Mumbai, India, thieves are stealing condoms from the vending machines. Vending machines are those machines where you put money and you get the product in return. Due to high raise of immoral sexual relationships and unhealthy, unsafe sex India is leading among the countries in terms of number of deaths due to AIDS. So, an NGO had this idea of placing the condom vending machines in places where people can easily access them especially in places where drivers and daily wages people reside. But due to the CONDOM-FANTASY-THIEVES, most of these machines either got damaged or condoms are stolen from them. Here is what BBC said about the gore act..
"These machines are installed in areas where high risk people like truck drivers are likely to visit. Often these places also have drug addicts or petty thieves.BBC Link
"A machine never contains more than 100 rupees ($2) but they may break it open to sell the parts and buy drugs.
"Some may want condoms for free. Some may be against the idea of installing such machines. It still carries a stigma."
The damage to these machines is more than financial.
"When a machine is damaged then you have to factor how many people would go without a condom. One of the guidelines is that a person should be able to procure one within 15 minutes. It is not easy to get people to use to condoms and take them from these machines."
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