Skin For Sale

Common wealth games are going to be held in India next year i.e. 2010. Meat sellers are looking ahead to this occasion with sparkling eyes. You must be wondering about the connection between Meat & Games, right?

Escorts, the professional human body meat sellers, are counting the days and rolling some stones from their way to come across athletes with full bloom. Escort services in India are already making their models tuned up to this auspicious occasion. New Delhi is feeling the shortage of the flesh-sellers so they are eyeing towards Mumbai and Goa for the supply gap.

Ellen (name changed) an escort from Goa said, “Yes, it’s a big event and makes great business sense for us. Our agents will make sure there will be enough of us to meet the demand.” Times of India Reported.

Organizers are looking into the situation but I personally feel that they can’t stop this holy business to make the cherry pop!!

Read the Times Of India report here
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